The college adopts a four- level feedback mechanism: (i) feedback for students, (ii) feedback for staff, (iii) feedback for parents and (iv) feedback for alumni. Besides that, employers’ feedback has also been collected every year. The feedback mechanisms for students and staff are developed and operated by the IQAC, while the feedbacks of parents and alumni are carried out at department level. Employers’ feedback is collected directly. The student feedback is a three-tire feedback mechanism: feedback on the college, feedback on the department and programme, and feedback on teachers. All levels involve 12-15 questions. The questionnaire is designed in such a way to cover all the seven criteria of the NAAC. The results of all levels of feedback are analyzed by the IQAC and a detailed report on each feedback is submitted to the principal. The principal presents the important findings of feedback in the College Council meeting. Based on the discussion on the responses of students and various stakeholders, the College Council makes suggestions for preparing long-term and short-term strategic plans.
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